Vote Jess Brooks for HESA Vice President 2024- 2025

Please view all candidates and choose the best one that will represent you. Here

I am ready to work for you.

Welcome to my Vision for Harvard Extension

As the Harvard Extensions Student Association Vice President 2024-2025 candidate, I believe in transparency, communication, and inclusivity. Through my dedication and commitment, I aim to bridge the gap between Harvard and distance learning, ensuring every voice is heard and every concern is addressed.

We can create a thriving community where every student feels valued and connected. Let's work hand in hand towards a brighter future for all. Join me in this journey of change and progress!

After years of running professional networking events in NYC and now DC, I am fully invested in transitioning those skills to those to support our students. My goal is to help people make real connections online and in person, both on and off campus. I believe part of what makes Harvard impressive is the network you are a part of, and to fully take advantage of that, you need to meet people. I will be focused on making meaningful real-world connections past on-campus events. On-campus events are great, but not everyone can participate in them. We have dynamic and incredible students worldwide who can and should be connecting to elevate their next career moves and simply make friends.

I am also invested in seeing resolution finally come to degree names after a 30-year struggle. I will work to continue the initiatives those before me have fought for to bring academically honest degree names to HES students.

Lastly, I am interested in collaborating with those looking to get involved to improve the school. I am so proud to be at Havard Extension and want to leave this school better than I found it. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and help from talented individuals such as yourselves, I can do just that.

Upcoming Events

HESA's "Meet the Candidates" Event

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 20248:00 PM TO 9:00 PM

Join HESA for a virtual event to meet any candidates running for leadership positions in student organizations. Candidates will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on key issues, and connect with peers in the community. This will be recorded for those unable to attend live in order to ensure all students eligible to vote can be as informed as possible. We hope you can join us!

Other Candidates

Janine Bensouda

Candidate for

Director of Diversity, Equity,

Inclusion, & Belonging

Alex Ponce

Candidate for President of HESA

Marina Onaca for

Candidate for President of the

HES Management &

Finance Student Club

Please view all candidates and choose the best one that will represent you. Here

Stay in the Loop with the Election

Let me update you when it is time to vote & meet the candidates events! Also, feel free to include a note about what you would love to see changed at HES!